The Importance of Flossing Your Teeth

You probably understand how brushing your teeth can benefit the health of your entire mouth, but do you know why flossing is important? In reality, there are a number of benefits to flossing, and a few things you may need to do to get the most benefits from your flossing. When you brush your teeth,… Read more »

Everything You Need to Know About Jaw Pain

Do your jaws ever throb with pain? If so, it’s time to consider visiting your dentist, Dr. , so you can receive an accurate diagnosis and treatment. Jaw pain is a serious dental issue many people overlook. It can result from many causes, including the TMJ disorder, teeth-grinding habits, periodontal disease, arthritis, injury, infection, toothaches, and… Read more »

A Filling Can Be Used to Repair a Cavity and Prevent Further Complications

When poor oral hygiene practices allow a cavity to form on one of your teeth, it will inevitably grow and spread. Without timely treatment and repair, the tooth decay can penetrate the interior of the tooth, causing significant complications to your oral health. To prevent this from happening, Dr. routinely repairs small cavities with a… Read more »

Six Things You Can Do to Have a Healthier Holiday Season

This holiday season, don’t let the busyness distract you from having a healthy smile. Without diligent daily care, your smile is prone to enamel decay, tooth sensitivity, cavities, and tooth loss from the buildup of acid in the mouth. Bacterial acid forms into plaque and calculus on your teeth and around the gumline. This soft,… Read more »